Friday, December 19, 2008

Five - Vidaniyas!!!

Surprises are always welcome but not all Life's surprise!!
The surprise or shock of Birth & Death is discomforting.

How about an organized time period for life?
Diya - you would live for another 10 years?!!! A pretty welcoming concept at least for me.
I will have the Time of my Life - Live Life Kingsize!!
No worries about retirement plans, future plans of settlement, savings - just go beserk!! What fun!!

How about listing the 5 most Things TO DO LIST?

Here is my list:

  1. Would travel the world with my best friend Babla, meet the locals, eat their food
  2. Save atleast 5 animals - Tiger
  3. Make lifelong provision for an intelligent but deprived child
  4. Meet all my loved ones - friends and family
  5. Write a book on woman emancipation and direct a movie

If all Things to do can be Striked out in one lifetime; whatz the need to live with just few memories?

I envy people who can live life to its fullest in this world of uncertainity, surprises and shocks.

A tough lesson to learn.....

Guys - fill the comment section with your Things To Do List - such a comfort :)

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Half a league....half a league....into the valley of death rode the whole nation!!

When was the last war we fought? Pakistan? Bangladesh?
Sorry guys; you would be disappointed to know that its not been that simple for our country with hostile nations and even more hostile politicians all round - we fight a proxy war day in and day out.
Its an ongoing war as the forces in India would confirm.
War against terror, internal hooliganism, political rivallry - not a moment of peace.

This has resulted in few major changes:

1. Attitude change among the citizens - they have taken it for granted and it takes very less time for events like Mumbai blast or the terror attack to slip to the 2nd and third pages of the news

2. People being taken for granted by our mighty politicians who feel they are beyond law - surprisingly most of the terror attacks are cruicialy timed near and around the elections!!! any thoughts?? I wont be surprised if we are fighting a hoax war internally - politicians sponsoring terrorist across the border to turn their political situation!! Nor isnt it eerie that everytime we fight these so called internal terrorism we threaten to take drastic steps but within few days we are back to square one!! So where is the great FIGHT!!!???
Too many grave questions with no answers at all and how does it matter - in a country with a population of 110 crores how does it matter to any big wigies if few die for their ulterior motives.

Please stop this never ending blame game - PAKISTAN being the catch word and lets all start concentrating on our internal policies and terrorists!!! If this part is taken care - no nation can be under any threat at all - that's a CHALLENGE!!!

I wonder how Bapu - the father of the nation would have reacted to all this!! JAI HIND!!