Friday, March 23, 2007

Marital relationship.............the secret???

A big enigma - things going wrong with romance with just one signature of registration of marriage.

Scenario before the signature - roses, long walks, long talks on the phone, yearning for each other................

Scenario after the signature - seperate ways - one hooked to the TV while the other suddenly too concerned about cleaning and household work, only conversion revolves round the house and kids, husbands enjoying freedom when wives go for holidays at thier parents place.

Is it because the signature settles the insecurity of the relationship or is it that once you own the 'most wanted' you get over it and it lies unwanted in one corner or is it that once you stay together both get exposed to the gorry details of each other and the disillusionment happens quickly?

With long standing relationship it is always a joint process of growing and changing and those who cant keep pace with each other in this ever evolving process gets lost in the whole relationship.

So how do you maintain the consistency? There is a beautiful thought on that - there are three stages in a relationship - first is the constant tassel to change each other; the second stage is when you get weary of the tassel and settle down by accepting each other as you are and the second invariably leads to the third which is a peaceful harmony of companionship.

The best time tested formula of success would be to become best of freinds from the very first sight. No inhibitions, no secrecy, no artficaility, equal respect and companionship.

No illusions, so no disillusionments. As the fairy tales would declare -

Married happily ever after.........................

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Painting - a different platform?

Is it an artisit's reflection of his surroundings, or is it a reflection of his mental model, or is it done keeping in mind the commercial aspect? Too many questions, an Enigma since each artisit has his or her version of answering to these questions.

Through centuries starting from cave paintings which were simple rendition of objects from surrounding to impressionist art to modern or as some prefer to call it 'abstract art'. What makes art go through its phases? What has led to the change in forms starting from cave paintings although if we look from the perspective of reflection of surroundings then the only thing that has changed is the artificial contour i.e the buildings, the roads while mother nature remains the same?

There are schools of art - the 'grammar' as they would call it - but does art or expression of your mind truly have any grammar? Are people moving to and fro in the grammar, real artists? I guess impressionism was a great breakthrough from the grammar of art - a true expression of your mind - going beyound the lines and giving life, motion within boundary of a canvas or medium.

What is abstract art? Is it anything and everything which is not understood - the cognitive strain on viewers mind on deciphering the artists thought is called modern art or abstract art? Even the belive by artists to prove to one and all that they belong to some other hemisphere - isn't art for everyone? Can't we call the cobbler, the house painter or even the rickshaw-puller artisits in their own forms? They all have creativity in their life and work, even the mother who brings up her child - they all create their own ways and methods which affects their surroundings in a small or big way.

I feel the most poignant truth is that there is no line or seperate breed called artists. Accordingly art should be grouped not as per the lines on the paper or medium but way beyond that - as per life itself where it gives a platform to one and all to express his or her mind . And not to forget the most successful artist in the world - Mother Earth herself.

All the world's a stage and everyone are artists in their own ways!!