Monday, April 27, 2009

Vote Do...Vote Do

Vote Do....Vote Do!!
A good campaign for literates to arise and awake to be part of a change in the whole election process in this country.

All these years our motherland has seen sleeping literates who though participate in fiery discussions on economy, politics but when it comes to action even to the extent of voting - they shudder giving lame excuses like what's the use? whom to vote - all are same!! The process is complicated to get registered!!

But surprisingly, I strongly feel this country is still functioning despite high level of corruption and an illegal parallel system only for few people may it be politicians or goverment people who still has some element of morality and truthfulness embedded in them. So if we ignore the mass so called 'netas' who just mud sling at each other, beg shamelessly for votes only prior to elections, resorts to money laundering and cheap ways to capture the golden eggs(votes in this scenario); we still can spot few who for whatever reason it might be have done some good at the end of the day - may it be the Railways, or Foreign Ministry or even uplifting education and electric facilities in villages.

Interestingly, despite the poor being still poor and our ''netas' even after 60 years still promising the basics of Roti - Kappda - Makan which should have been done long back, people even in remote villages today has developed a sense of practicality and deeply observe how their voted netas have performed in the last phase and are no more influenced by gifts or threatens, to vote the most eligible candidate. The other marked difference in the Indian electorate is the shelving of the concept of ideology - its hard to find a party sticking to any basic ideology - all are mix and match to form the goverment for which they are flexible enough to do away with any staunch idelogy and accept the change in the favour of people(not though very voluntarily!)

So Dear Netas - Mind your own business and responsibility - your performance is counted and observed by us every minute and you maynot have a good appraisal or can be even cruelly chucked out of your cushy job if the performance rate is not extraordinary. Mind this that its the toughest job to please millions and also look at your own benefits - its either way for you!!

Although I cant vouch 100% on the system - its too early but at least there has been a start to clean it and choose only those who are performers and less of tall talkers. The young generation of savvy politicians are also most welcome in this system and are wanted for the radical change required in economy or society as a whole.

All in All - its a feel better system working in this country after 60 long years - Better late than Never as the saying goes!!


Aniruddha said...

Very well written... and yes Lalu has really done some good work which is evident from practical experiences... he really needs a mention...

Sakina Adeeb said...

nice..i agree to your point. I tried to drive the same point at my workplace here, cos many felt the same way. I am sure we have more brighter and younger netas tos ee in the future.